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Stephen G. Cary Memorial Lecture 2023: Forging Beloved Community with Friends ~ A Journey through the Refiner’s Fire

Sep 11, 2023

Bridget Moix, General Secretary, FCNL
Free and open to the public, registration required. In-person registration is limited.

7:30pm-9:00pm Eastern Time (US & Canada).

In a world wrought by lies, injustice, and violence, how do we live out our Quaker faith and spiritual truths? How do we live “in the virtue of that life and power that takes away the occasion of war”?  How do we “walk cheerfully over the Earth” while sacred forests burn and oceans rise around us?  How do we “seek that of God in everyone” when we are so deeply divided from one another by fear and pain?  Bridget Moix shares lessons, laughter, and Light from her journey with Friends toward becoming the beloved community we seek.

To register to watch this lecture online via Zoom, click here.

To reserve a seat for attendance in the Barn, click here.

Stephen G. Cary Memorial Lecture 2023

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Bridget Moix is the fifth General Secretary of the Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL). She is a passionate Quaker peace advocate, activist, and mother. She supports a staff of 68 and a full legislative agenda based on the regular discernment of more than 200 Quaker meetings and churches around the country.

Bridget joined FCNL in January 2022. She brings with her 25 years of work on international peace and conflict issues, with a focus on US foreign policy. Prior to joining FCNL, she served as US Executive Director of Peace Direct (2015-2021). Bridget is no stranger to FCNL. In 1996, she was an intern at FCNL and later served as  senior legislative secretary for FCNL’s foreign policy program (2002-2006; 2008-2012). From 1999–2002 Bridget served on the FCNL Executive Committee and was later assistant clerk then clerk of the General Committee (2016–2020). In that role, she made FCNL’s diversity, equity, and inclusion work a priority while continuing her personal journey with race and racism.

As an executive, Bridget managed Peace Direct’s US office in Washington, DC (2015-2021) and Casa de los Amigos (Friends House) in Mexico City (2006-2007). She has worked at USAID’s Office of Conflict Management and Mitigation (2013-2015), with Oxfam America as policy advisor for Sudan (2005), the Quaker United Nations Office in New York (2000-2002), and the Quaker Peace Center in Cape Town, South Africa (1999). Bridget has served as a trustee or governing committee member of the Scoville Peace Fellowship, the American Friends Service Committee, Peace Direct US, the Clarence and Lilly Pickett Quaker Leadership Endowment, and the Quaker United Nations Office (Geneva). She now serves on the Haverford College Corporation.

Bridget holds a Ph.D. from George Mason University’s Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution. She focused her dissertation on understanding the motivations of local peacebuilders and how the international community can better support them. She is author of Choosing Peace: Agency and Action in the Midst of War (Rowman & Littlefield, 2019), and a contributing author to Building Peace in America (Rowman & Littlefield, 2020) and The Handbook of Conflict Resolution: Theory and Practice (Josey-Bass; 2006; 2014).

Bridget lives in Washington, D.C., with her two sons who nurture and challenge her peacebuilding skills every day. As a convinced Quaker, she is a member of Friends Meeting of Washington, Baltimore Yearly Meeting, and attends Mexico City Monthly Meeting (virtually).

The Stephen G. Cary Memorial Lecture was endowed by Norval and Ann Reece and established in 2004 in concert with Pendle Hill’s publication of Steve Cary’s memoir, The Intrepid Quaker: One Man’s Quest for Peace.

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