The Pendle Hill community is so thankful for the overwhelming support we received during our 85th Anniversary Woodworkers’ Exhibition and Auction. We raised over $20,500 for the endowment, helping to secure Pendle Hill’s financial future.
To launch our fall Pendle Hill Annual Fund initiative, we’re asking you to consider a gift with the number “85” in honor of our 85th Anniversary year: $85, $185, $285, and so on.
Please help us celebrate this monumental year by becoming a Sustaining Donor with a monthly gift to the Annual Fund. Would you consider $85 a month? Even $15.42/month adds up to $185 a year!
Click here to go to our Support page. If you select “Make a Recurring Donation” on that page, you can choose the amount you’d like to give each month to become a Sustaining Donor.
You can help Pendle Hill maintain our level of excellence. Thank you!