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The Doctrine of Discovery: Unmasking the Domination Code

Jan 8, 2018

A documentary by Sheldon Wolfchild and Steven Newcomb followed by a discussion led by Sandra Boone Murphy
Free and open to the public! Beware: roads are extremely icy and slippery. We will be showing this film again at a future date and time to be announced.

7:30pm-9:00pm in the Barn.

NB: The roads and sidewalks are very icy and slippery.  We advise you to await our second showing at a time and date to be determined.

The Doctrine of Discovery: Unmasking the Domination Code” is a feature-length documentary based on Steven T. Newcomb’s extensively researched book, Pagans in the Promised Land: Decoding the Doctrine of Christian Discovery. Cristobal Colón (Columbus) and other colonizers laid claims to the lands of original nations and peoples on the basis of the idea that Christians had a biblical right to discover and dominate non-Christian lands. This doctrine of ancient Christendom, supported by papal edicts, continues to serve as the conceptual foundation of the political and legal system of the United States and of other dominating political systems throughout the world in relation to indigenous peoples and nations. This film vividly lays out the basis for the doctrine, its alarming application, and its ongoing impact today.


Sandra Boone MurphySandra Boone Murphy is of Scheyichbi, ascribed an “extended family” member by the Nanticoke-Lenape Tribal Nation, and conferred “ally” of Lenape Tribal Councils of NJ and DE. The light of this f(F)riend and neighbor of Lenape Tribal Nations Peoples has manifested as founding member of both the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting (PYM) First Contact Reconciliation Collaborative and the Salem Quarter Indian Affairs Committee. Very active in Quaker affairs at the local, quarterly, and yearly meeting level, Sandra serves on the PYM’s Multicultural Audit Steering Committee. She also facilitates the work of Toward Right Relations with Indigenous Peoples. Since the mid 1970s, Sandra has been designing educational programs embracing cultural inclusion – value systems, resources, and diversity of learning styles. Quests and spiritual witness have fostered her engagement with non-indigenous and indigenous peoples in North America, Ireland, The Bahamas, Puerto Rico, Hawaiian Islands, Guam, Republic of Palau, Yap, Pohnpei, and Korea.

Travel directions to Pendle Hill. Click to view the flyer.