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Approaching the Gospels

By Mary Morrison

Pendle Hill Pamphlet #219 (1978)

Price: $7.50


Intended for use in studying the life of Jesus, this is an excerpt from her leader’s guide to group study of the gospels.

A Spanish language version of this pamphlet is also available. Please indicate if you want this translation when purchasing.

A Spanish language version of this pamphlet is also available. Please indicate if you want this translation when purchasing.

About the Author(s)

Mary C. Morrison (1910-2003) devoted her life to family, teaching and writing. A major focus of her work was the gospels. She taught in a variety of settings, including Pendle Hill. The open-ended study questions she honed over years of teaching are available in Approaching the Gospels Together: A Leader’s Guide for Group Study. She recorded her own views on Jesus in Jesus, Sketches for a Portrait.

Mary Morrison and her husband, Maxey, raised a large and loving family. She considered herself 51% Episcopalian and 49% Quaker. She wrote her final Pendle Hill pamphlet, Gift of Days (PHP #364), out of retirement at 92.

Pendle Hill Pamphlet #219

Additional information

Weight 2.3 oz