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Christ in Catastrophe: An Inward Record by Emil Fuchs Who Found Serenity through Suffering

By Emil Fuchs

Pendle Hill Pamphlet #49 (1949)

Price: $7.50


A German teacher discusses living during Hitler’s regime, and out of that suffering discovers God.

About the Author(s)

Emil Fuchs (1876-1971) was a Lutheran minister and a pacifist before converting to Quakerism in 1925, when he was 49. Fuchs taught religious science at the University of Kiel from 1931 until the rise of Nazism in Germany in 1933. He then opened up a car service transporting refugees out of Germany until 1936, when the Gestapo confiscated his vehicles. After his own exile he traveled to Pendle Hill, where he lived and taught until his return to Germany. Settling in the Communist East, he taught the sociology of religion at the University of Leipzig. Emil Fuchs Street now runs through that university.

Pendle Hill Pamphlet #49

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Weight 2.3 oz