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Quaker Relief During the Siege of Boston

By Henry J. Cadbury

Paperback: 23 pages
Publisher: Friends Book Store/Pendle Hill Pubns. (1943)
Product Dimensions: 9.2 x 6.4 x 0.2 inches
Shipping Weight: 2.2 ounces

Price: $22.95

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“Nonpartisan war relief for civilians carried on by the Society of Friends in recent years, first in northern France, Serbia, and Russia, then in Germany and Austria, and most lately in both Nationalist and Loyalist Spain, is widely known and understood. But not even the Quakers themselves are aware of how exact precedents their history contains for such expressions of their pacifism in wartime. One of these examples, having to do with Revolutionary Massachusetts, has sufficient interest to deserve fuller record than it has yet received…”

Originally published in the Transactions of the Colonial Society of Massachusetts, Vol. XXXIV in 1942, Quaker Relief During the Siege of Boston was later reprinted by Pendle Hill in partnership with the Friends Book Store, Philadelphia.

Pendle Hill Historical Study Number Four