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George Fox & The Quakers

By Cecil W. Sharman

Paperback: 256 pages
Publisher: Quaker Home Service, U.K. (May 1, 1991)
Product Dimensions: 8.5 x 6 x 0.5 inches
Shipping Weight: 14.1 ounces

Price: $18.00

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George Fox first gathered Friends 340 years ago by “opening to them the way”; for our time also, his life has become part of his message. His Journal told his own life story fully and vividly, so that efforts to improve on it have recently been few. Modern readers, however, find Fox’s Journal so detailed, and so quick to assume his reader’s familiarity with situations, events, and outlooks of his time that though we constantly quote it we rarely read or grasp it as a whole. Here Cecil Sharman has does us important service, placing all the key events of Fox’s life within their personal setting, and bringing out warmth of personality and his intense sense of mission, mirrored in what his friends like John Banks and William Penn told of him.

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