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The First American Quaker Discipline: Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Rules of Discipline and Practice from 1704

Transcribed and edited by David R. Haines

Paperback: 80 pages
Publisher: Pleasant Green Books (June 8, 2024)
Product Specifications: 9 x 6 x 0.2 inches; 6.1 ounces

Price: $16.00


This work is an edited transcription of the first known collection of “Rules of Discipline and Practice” prepared by any meeting of the Society of Friends in America. The original handwritten document served as a model for other books of discipline, faith, and practice for other Quaker meetings, especially in the American colonies. The transcriber has meticulously copied from the original manuscript with minor editing of punctuation and spelling leaving the eighteenth-century language intact. A detailed index has been added to make the content more easily accessible.

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Weight 6.6 oz

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