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Our Vision

To create peace with justice in the world by transforming lives.
Vision statement adopted by the Pendle Hill Board, July 2012

Our Mission

Pendle Hill is a Quaker center welcoming all for Spirit-led learning, retreat, and community.
Mission statement adopted by the Pendle Hill Board, July 2012

Our Values

Pendle Hill Values Statement
Approved by the Pendle Hill Board, October 2012

Bald Cypress (c) 1969 Wurts Brothers

  • Quaker Values: Pendle Hill strives to embody the historic testimonies of the Religious Society of Friends. Central to the vision of the Pendle Hill community and the influence that it seeks to exert in the larger world are: peace, truth-speaking and integrity, equality, simplicity, and reaching out to that of God in every one. Further, Pendle Hill seeks to uphold the following:
  • Education: Learning at Pendle Hill is both experiential and intellectual, rooted in the principles of The Religious Society of Friends. Such learning includes dialogue, personal study and contemplation, collaborative exploration, openness to divine leadings, and interaction with the natural environment.
  • Sustainability: Pendle Hill seeks to be a living, nourishing model of sustainability in a spiritual community. We work to experience and support a way of living that is environmentally, socially, and fiscally sustainable.
  • Social Action and Justice: At Pendle Hill we commit to being a living testimony to a social order that manifests God’s love for everyone. We work to be inclusive, respectful, and supportive of all people. We strive courageously for peace and justice.

Pendle Hill Board Queries to Advance Diversity, Justice, and Beloved Community

  1. How might this decision affect people from other cultures or those within the same culture who have different experiences, perception, belief systems, and perspectives from our own?
  2. To what degree have privilege, class, stereotypes, assumptions, and our ability to include other perspectives affected this decision? Will this decision promote inclusiveness, allow equal access, and welcome those we perceive as different from ourselves?
  3. How might this decision advance Pendle Hill’s goals of promoting diversity, fostering justice, and creating the Beloved Community for all people?

Help nurture this haven of transformation with a gift before August 31