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40-Day Journey with Howard Thurman

Edited by Donna E. Schaper

Paperback: 112 pages
Publisher: Augsburg Books (September 21, 2009)
Product Dimensions: 8.8 x 5.9 x 0.5 inches
Shipping Weight: 5.6 ounces
Condition: New

Price: $12.99


Howard Thurman was an influential American author, philosopher, theologian, educator, and civil rights leader. Strongly influenced by his grandmother, a former slave, who raised him and a Quaker mystic under whom he studied, Thurman adopted a philosophy of activism rooted in faith, guided by spirit, and maintained in peace. Editor Donna Schaper selects forty inspiring passages from the works of this spiritual advisor to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. to accompany readers on their own spiritual journeys. Ideal for traveling through the seasons of Advent and Lent.

Part of the publisher’s “40-Day Journey…” series.

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