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Abraham Lincoln and the Quakers

By Daniel Bassuk

Pendle Hill Pamphlet #273 (1987)

Price: $7.50


A record of all the known stories of Lincoln and the Society of Friends, with some reflective comments by a Quaker professor of religious studies.

About the Author(s)

Daniel Bassuk (1939-2005) was a teacher, researcher and author whose interests included religion and Abraham Lincoln. He taught more than 120 college courses in religious studies, and was a Research Fellow of Princeton Theological Seminary. He also was a Lincoln presenter who looked remarkably like his subject. Daniel Bassuk was a member of the Religious Society of Friends in Princeton, New Jersey, and was active in Swarthmore Friends Meeting toward the end of his life. His love of both Quakerism and Lincoln led to the discovery of interesting links between them. His Pendle Hill pamphlet records all the known stories of Lincoln and Quakers and some of the author’s reflective insights.

Pendle Hill Pamphlet #273