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Awakening the Witness: Convincement and Belonging in Quaker Community

By Matt Rosen

Pendle Hill Pamphlet #492 (April 2025)

Available for pre-order. This item will be released on Apr. 6, 2025.

Price: $7.50


In many Quaker communities, there are ongoing conversations about what it means to belong. These are often rooted in anxieties about the future of Friends as numbers fall, younger Friends move around, and new forms of Quaker community appear online. In this pamphlet Matt Rosen reminds us that an experience of God’s guiding and transforming power, which draws us together – what early Quakers called convincement – is as important as membership. He discusses his experience of convincement, what it meant for early Friends to belong, and how anxieties about the future of Friends can be lessened by recognizing that the living Christ is greater than any institution. Discussion questions included.

Pendle Hill Pamphlet #492