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Because I Knew You: How Some Remarkable Sick Kids Healed a Doctor’s Soul

By Robert Macauley

Paperback: 370 pages
Publisher: Chehalem Press (June 3, 2025)
Product Dimensions: 9 x 6 x 0.8 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.2 pounds
Condition: New

NB: This title will be released on Jun. 3, 2025.

Price: $25.00

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As one of the few pediatric palliative care doctors in the United States, Bob Macauley was used to people saying, “I’m so glad I don’t have your job.” To which he would explain that palliative care is more about living than dying, then offer to share some of the inspiring stories he witnessed on a daily basis. He might mention that also being an Episcopal priest helped him console people in the hardest situations. But he never revealed the true reason for his career choice: he didn’t want anyone else to hurt the way he had when he was a kid.