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Encounters with Transcendence: Confessions of a Religious Philosopher

By Scott Crom

Pendle Hill Pamphlet #267 (1986)

Price: $7.50


Reconciling the experience of transcendence with the disciplines of logic and mathematics.

About the Author(s)

Trained as a mathematician in his undergraduate years, Scott Crom took his doctorate at Yale in philosophy. He then worked as a Professor of Philosophy at Beloit College, where he clerked Beloit Monthly Meeting. He balanced these mental and spiritual activities by participating in American Friends Service Committee work camps and chopping wood at Pendle Hill. Scott Crom’s writing transcended the boundaries between the mathematical world that he studied as an undergraduate and his later forays into philosophy. Since retirement, Scott Crom has continued to be active in Beloit Monthly Meeting.

Pendle Hill Pamphlet #267