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There is a Fountain: A Quaker Life in Process

By Helen Horn

Pendle Hill Pamphlet #329 (1996)

Price: $7.50


A life story about renewal, commitment, faith, doubt, success, defeat, and a balance of activism and contemplation.

About the Author(s)

Helen Horn has been a part of the Pendle Hill community from childhood, when her father, Douglas Steere, directed the summer school and her mother, Dorothy Steere, was Head Resident. In the 1990s, she taught a Pendle Hill class on Spiritual Autobiography and co-led two workshops using the arts and meditation to spur spiritual growth. She also served on the Pendle Hill General Board and the Pamphlets Working Group.

After doing relief and reconciliation work in Europe, Africa and three American cities, Helen Horn settled with her husband, David Horn, on an Appalachian hill farm. They are members of Athens Friends Meeting. Helen has taught high school English and done peace organizing. She received grants to liven up the schools with volunteer resource people and to produce a videotape based on interviews with women from area mining towns. She has also served as a counselor at a community mental health center. Helen has contributed writing to Friends Journal and Friendly Woman.

Helen wrote the pamphlet, There is a Fountain, for the plenary session of Lake Erie Yearly Meeting in 1995 as a “pump primer” to encourage other participants to share stories from their spiritual journeys. In a subsequent meeting for worship, David Lohr was moved to say that Helen’s life experience has been like that of current day astronomers. They have to keep developing new technology to see the invisible galaxies that each new discovery hints at. The many shifts necessitated by Helen’s life as an activist, professional, artist and homemaker have kept her open to fresh leadings.

Pendle Hill Pamphlet #329