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A Guide to True Peace, or: The Excellency of Inward and Spiritual Prayer

By Fenelon, Mme. Guyon, and Molinos

Paperback: 118 pages
Publisher: Harper/Pendle Hill Pubns. (1946)
Product Dimensions: 5.3 x 3.5 x 0.4 inches
Shipping Weight: 4.4 ounces

Price: $24.95

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This pocket-sized devotional teaches “a species of prayer which may be exercised at all times.” Compiled (anonymously, by Quakers William Backhouse and James Janson) almost 200 years ago from the writings of Fenelon, Mme. Guyon, and Molinos – they lived in France and Italy in the eighteenth century – it is “…a little manual written to nourish the spiritual life, a lamp continually lighted before the throne of God.”

Originally published in America in 1813, it went through many iterations and was widely used, especially among the Religious Society of Friends. And, as with its two sister publications, The Cloud of Unknowing and A Method of Prayer (referred to by antiquarian booksellers as “Books of the Little Gold-Jacketed Series”), A Guide to True Peace was published in association with Pendle Hill by Harper & Brothers (New York and London).