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Holistic Mysticism: The Integrated Spiritual Path of the Quakers

By Amos Smith

Paperback: 358 pages
Publisher: Anamchara Books (November 11, 2023)
Product Dimensions: 8 x 5.2 x 0.9 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.1 pounds
Condition: New

Price: $24.99


When people hear the word Quaker, their first association is often oats, motor oil, or the Amish – but oatmeal, automobile lubricant, and avoiding electricity have nothing to do with the Quakers’ holistic mysticism. What is central to Quaker spirituality is the Divine Center, an inner sanctuary where the very Presence of God dwells. As Quaker theologian Rufus Jones wrote: “The kingdom of God is not a place where we go, but a state of being we can live in.” And we don’t need to take the journey by horse and buggy!

About the Author(s)

Amos Smith is a practicing Quaker (Friends General Conference) and a long-term centering-prayer practitioner, as well as a writer, workshop leader, and rehabilitation counselor. He emphasizes centering prayer and contemplative arts as the saving graces of his life. He is the author of Healing the Divide (Resource, 2013) and Be Still and Listen (Paraclete, 2018).