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Quaker Testimonies & Economic Alternatives

By Severyn T. Bruyn

Pendle Hill Pamphlet #231 (1980)

Price: $7.50


The Society of Friends seek a “third way” toward economic choices compatible with religious principles.

About the Author(s)

Severyn T. Bruyn is an emeritus professor of sociology at Boston College where he directed a graduate program in Social Economy and Social Policy. He published works on community development, scientific methodology and social economy. A former member of the Executive Committee of the American Friends Service Committee’s International Division, he also worked for many years with the New England region of AFSC. He is a member of the Friends Meeting at Cambridge. His interest in economic alternatives grew out of his hope to reconcile religious testimony with the patterns of everyday life. His analysis of economic alternatives and different economic models fostered by Quakers foreshadowed the search for economic alternatives such as micro-credit in the developing world.

Pendle Hill Pamphlet #231