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Reflections from a Prayer Vigil for Peace

By John Gallery

Pendle Hill Pamphlet #358 (2001)

Price: $7.50


The author shares reflections born of his participation in an extended prayer vigil for peace. It includes thoughts on sowing peace, faithfulness, prayer, and a section on Timothy McVeigh (a United States citizen executed for bombing an Oklahoma City federal building in 1995 as an act of terrorism).

About the Author(s)

John Andrew Gallery works for historic preservation and community development in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He uses the public space that he helped to design in order to witness for peace in the vigils described in his Pendle Hill pamphlet. His contributions to public life in the city of Philadelphia have included assisting in the founding of the YouthBuild charter school and working with Urban Partners, the Philadelphia Office of Housing and Urban Development and the Preservation Alliance for Greater Philadelphia. He has worked within the city government, consulting with the mayor, serving with the Philadelphia Bicentennial Corporation and as a Senior Urban Designer with the Philadelphia City Planning Commission. In addition, he has taught at the Fells Center of the University of Pennsylvania, Harvard University, and the University of Texas at Austin.

Pendle Hill Pamphlet #358