Richard K. Ullmann (1904-1963) wrote this pamphlet at a time when there were hopes of a growing and continuing dialogue between Christians in the East and in the West; hopes which were eclipsed by events in 1968.
Twenty years on, East-West contacts are being re-established and the chance to build understanding has come again. Two decades of “deterrence” have proved its total failure to contain and halt the arms race, and the world is in much greater peril than at the time when Mr. Krushchev and Mr. Kennedy faced each other across a lesser abyss.
Quaker Peace & Service reprints Ullmann’s shared and considered experiences, because they still have much to say to us. We note the changes in the world scene, but we also find parallels with today. The wisdom he brought to the dilemmas does not date; “All work and reconciliation depends on the reconciler’s own ability to reconcile love and truth within himself; and how often does he feel torn between the two! Indeed this is the basic dilemma, from which all the others can be derived.”
First published in 1963 by Pendle Hill Publications (PHP #131). Reprinted by permission.