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Vistas from Inner Stillness

By Richard L. Walker

Pendle Hill Pamphlet #299 (1991)

Price: $7.50


A naturalist and astronomer writes of a “knowing of God” which comes from his mystical experiences of nature.

About the Author(s)

Dick Walker is a convinced Friend and is presently a member of Wider Quaker Fellowship. He lives in Northern Arizona and is a research astronomer. He has published several articles about binary stars and satellites of the outer planets, and has recently completed the second novel of a trilogy, which expounds his theory that World War II still causes suffering in our world.

This pamphlet is an attempt of self expression made to describe and share ineffable common denominators in human experiences. With this writing, Dick tries to bridge a chasm of reticence between kindred souls.

Pendle Hill Pamphlet #299