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Wayfaring: A Guide to Guidance

By Larry Lynn Southard

Hardcover: 228 pages
Publisher: Independently published (January, 2023)
Product Dimensions: 9 x 6 x 0.8 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.3 pounds
Condition: New

Price: $32.00

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Wayfaring: A Guide To Guidance seeks nothing less than to aid readers in aligning their lives with the same power and richness that animated the life of Jesus of Nazareth. The earliest name of the movement he inspired was called “the Way.” He identified himself with the Way because he embodied the Way.

The book aims to help readers place themselves in a position that makes possible flowing with this same Way. Though written within a Quaker and Christian context, it can be used by anyone of any religious faith or secular inclination. It really does not matter what or who you are, you are welcome here. The Way plays no favorites, yet favors all.

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