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Expanding Democracy in an Age of Polarization and Resistance

Registration Information

To make Expanding Democracy in an Age of Polarization and Resistance as accessible as possible, we are offering registration at three tier levels: Subsidized, Full Cost, and Cost Plus.

Independent of the cost of lodging at Pendle Hill, we estimate that $450.00 represents the true cost per person for program, space, staff support, materials, and 6 lunches and dinners for this conference.

If you choose to stay on campus – and we hope you will – there is an additional cost of $200 for a shared room, and $250 for a private room from Thursday through Saturday nights (including 3 continental breakfasts). With few exceptions, guests share bathrooms, which accommodate one person at a time. Most of our beds are twins.

We encourage you to register at or above the Full Cost level if it is within your means. Any amount that you are able to contribute above that amount will help us support additional participants.

Decide whether you wish to commute from home or to stay on campus, what kind of accommodations you need and can afford, and then select the level of registration within your means. Below is a table to help you select the most appropriate level.

Private Room: $850 (Cost Plus) | $700 (Full Cost) | $550 (Subsidized Cost)
Shared Room: $800 (Cost Plus) | $650 (Full Cost) | $500 (Subsidized Cost)
Commuter: $600 (Cost Plus) | $450 (Full Cost) | $300 (Subsidized Cost)

If after considering the tiered scale above, you find that your resources don’t allow you to pay at the Subsidized Cost level, please consider applying for scholarship assistance by calling John Meyer at 610-566-4507, ext. 129.

>>> Click here to register <<<

If you have registration questions or concerns, please call 610-566-4507, ext. 137.

Travel directions to Pendle Hill.