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Peace & Justice

Stephen G. Cary Memorial Lecture 2024: Light Within and Light Without ~ The Personal and Political in the Formation of a Palestinian-American Quaker Identity

Hybrid: Sep 9, 2024
7:30pm-9:00pm Eastern Time (US & Canada).

Quakerism thrives as a practice that accentuates the individual spiritual experience and the communal life of the monthly meeting. Ongoing… Learn More

Spring Term Info Session (September)

Online: Sep 12, 2024
An informal opportunity to learn more about Pendle Hill’s resident student program.

Curious about the Pendle Hill resident student program? Check out the Spring Term webpage, and bring your questions to this… Learn More

Community Organizing Training with Spadework

On Campus: Sep 18-19, 2024
A training workshop hosted by Spadework on Back to Basics: Base-Building. Developing Leadership. Organization as Spaces for Transformation.

This program is a collaboration between Pendle Hill and Spadework, a school for organizers to reverse the diminution of organizing… Learn More

‘Too Queer to Be Quaker:’ The Limits of Liberal Quaker Inclusion of Lesbian and Gay People during the Cold War and Today

Hybrid: Oct 7, 2024
A First Monday Lecture with Brian Blackmore

Before the gay rights movement gained momentum in the early 1960s, a few very small assemblies of Quakers publicly supported… Learn More

Spring Term Info Session (October)

Online: Oct 21, 2024
An informal opportunity to learn more about Pendle Hill’s residential study program.

Curious about the Pendle Hill resident student program? Check out the Spring Term webpage, and bring your questions to this… Learn More