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Continuing Revolution 2025: Queer Liberation and Spirit-Rooted Justice

Hybrid: Jun 12-14, 2025

A gathering of young adults (ages 18-35) to explore connections between our spiritual, political, and interpersonal lives. Join us on-site at Friends Place in Washington, DC, or participate online hosted by Pendle Hill.
On-site at Friends Place:
Pricing: $100/$175/$250 sliding scale
This conference begins with a registration window from 4:30pm-6:00pm on the opening day and ends with a closing session until 7:30pm on the final day.

Online via Zoom:
Pricing: $5/$15/$25 sliding scale
If none of these tiers are feasible for you, please email us at "" to request a free registration link.
This conference begins with a welcome session at 7:30pm Eastern Time (US & Canada) on the opening day and ends with a panel until 2pm ET on the final day. Convert these times to your time zone.

Optional additional offerings:
Pre-Gathering Zoom call: June 4, 2025 at 8 pm ET
Pre-Gathering PRIDE Meet-up: June 7, 2025 (Time TBD)
Post-Gathering Zoom call: June 25, 2025 at 8 pm ET

On-Site Registration  |  Online Registration

A gathering of young adults (ages 18-35) to explore connections between our spiritual, political, and interpersonal lives. Join us on-site at Friends Place in Washington, DC, or participate online hosted by Pendle Hill.

In celebration of World Pride taking place in Washington, DC, this year’s programming is centered around the theme of queer liberation and spirit-rooted justice. Participants will be invited to explore where their spiritual practice intersects with the collective pursuit for queer liberation. They will leave with a sense of connection with individuals and organizations that can support and inform their role(s) in creating peace and justice in their communities and in the world.

This program welcomes young adults aged 18-35 who are Quaker or Quaker-adjacent/interested, “fellow travelers and seekers,” and any of the following:

  • Inspired to seek justice;
  • Curious about the structures of our world at present;
  • Curious about queer liberation in particular;
  • Curious about the interplay of current structures and oppression;
  • Looking for tools to bring about a more just and sustainable future;
  • Seeking to be in community with other spiritually-minded individuals;
  • Seeking spiritual grounding/tools.

Download the flyer to share with your community

This program is open to young adults in the LGBTQ+ community and those who are allies in the quest for queer liberation. 


Dr. Sa'ed Atshan (Plenary Speaker)Dr. Sa’ed Atshan (Plenary Speaker) is Associate Professor of Peace and Conflict Studies and Anthropology and Chair of the Department of Peace and Conflict Studies at Swarthmore College. He has previously served as an Associate Professor of Anthropology at Emory University, as a Visiting Assistant Professor of Anthropology and Senior Research Scholar at the University of California, Berkeley, and as a Postdoctoral Fellow at Brown University’s Watson Institute for International Studies. He earned a PhD in Anthropology and Middle Eastern Studies and MA in Social Anthropology from Harvard University, an MPP from the Harvard Kennedy School, and BA from Swarthmore College.

Atshan is the author of Queer Palestine and the Empire of Critique (Stanford University Press, 2020), co-author (with Katharina Galor) of The Moral Triangle: Germans, Israelis, Palestinians (Duke University Press, 2020), and co-editor (with Galor) of Reel Gender: Palestinian and Israeli Cinema (Bloomsbury, 2022).


Sarah Johnson, Olivia Delaplaine, and Jackson MalkusMaddie RoseContinuing Revolution 2025: Queer Liberation and Spirit-Rooted Justice is co-hosted by Friends Place on Capitol Hill and Pendle Hill. The on-site program leads from Friends Place are Sarah Johnson, Olivia Delaplaine, and Jackson Malkus. The online program lead from Pendle Hill is Maddie Rose.

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