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Upcoming Events

Living the Spirit of Ubuntu: Responding with Hope to God’s Call to Cherish Creation and One Another

Aug 5, 2024
A First Monday Lecture with Robin Mohr of FWCC

  Robin Mohr, outgoing Executive Secretary of the Friends World Committee for Consultation Section of the Americas, will welcome Friends… Learn More

Giving Voice to Our Dreams

May 18, 2024
An end-of-residency celebration with Rev. Rhetta Morgan.

Pendle Hill Artist-in-Residence Reverand Rhetta Morgan invites you to celebrate the end of her residence at Pendle Hill, in this… Learn More

Altered Books: Making Tangible Our Personal and Prophetic Narratives

Jul 14 - Sep 8, 2024
An online arts program with Jesse White.

Registration for this event closed on July 12th. Please contact with additional questions.  Come and join a safe and… Learn More

Illuminate Summer Speaker Series 2024

Jun 10, 24, Jul 15, 29, and Aug 12, 2024
A Collaboration between Barclay Press and Pendle Hill

  If you are seeking funds to participate in this program, please wait to register and first complete our Financial… Learn More

Help nurture this haven of transformation with a gift before August 31