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Upcoming Events

Life is Funny, But It Ain’t No Joke

Jan 21, 2018
A book talk and signing by RegE Walker

“Life Is Funny, but It Ain’t No Joke” recounts the spiritual journey of the author, who forgets his divine identity… Learn More

Faith View

Jan 6, 2018 - Apr 26, 2018
Joe Faith

Artist Statement My paintings are meant to be a conversation with the viewer. It may be poetic or it may… Learn More

The Doctrine of Discovery: Unmasking the Domination Code

Jan 8, 2018
A documentary by Sheldon Wolfchild and Steven Newcomb followed by a discussion led by Sandra Boone Murphy

NB: The roads and sidewalks are very icy and slippery.  We advise you to await our second showing at a… Learn More

The Challenge of Progressive Christianity

Aug 10-11, 2018
A two-day program of lectures and discussion led by John Dominic Crossan

Financial aid may be available. If you are seeking funds to participate in this program, click to review and complete… Learn More

Help nurture this haven of transformation with a gift before August 31