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Upcoming Events

Growing Up in Alabama: Poor, Black, and Male, 1926-1947

Jun 1, 2015
A talk with Andrew Billingsley

Dr. Andrew Billingsley is one of the earliest and foremost scholars of the African-American family. Retired from a distinguished academic… Learn More

Stephen G. Cary Memorial Lecture 2015: A Theology of Togetherness – A Quaker Pastor Speaks

May 4, 2015
Phil Gulley

A Theology of Togetherness: A Quaker Pastor Speaks What is a Quaker pastor? Quakers believe we are all ministers and, according… Learn More

Strategic, Successful, and Spiritually Grounded Activism

Apr 6, 2015
A lecture by Eileen Flanagan

After five years of worshiping in bank lobbies and singing in the streets, Earth Quaker Action Team (EQAT) has pushed… Learn More

Face to Face to Interface

Mar 7, 2015
Megan Snowe

Join Artist-in-Residence Megan Snowe in a conversation exploring the roles of faces and their various extensions in shaping our contemporary… Learn More

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