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Upcoming Events

Clearness Committees: Spiritual Discernment in Community for Personal and Social Transformation

Mar 22-24, 2024
Waitlist Only: A retreat for deepening skills and spiritual practice with Valerie Brown and John Baird.

Are you seeking clarity about life transitions, purpose, direction, or meaning, and how to offer your most authentic gifts into… Learn More

Beyond Diversity 101

Mar 19-23, 2024
Waitlist only: An on-campus intensive with Niyonu Spann and Lisa Graustein.

Beyond Diversity 101 intends healing transformation. We provide frameworks, offer practices, and hold a space for growing skills to de-structure… Learn More

Resident Reunion

Sep 24, 2023
Alums are invited to join other Pendle Hill resident students, scholars, Friends in Residence, and staff from years past to celebrate Pendle Hill’s 93rd birthday online!

Executive director Francisco Burgos, director of education Frances Kreimer, and other current staff will host this online reunion, celebrating 93… Learn More

New Year’s: The Inner Life of Music

Dec 28, 2023 - Jan 1, 2024
A Pendle Hill New Year’s Retreat with Karl Middleman

In this workshop we will learn how composers use music as alchemy to turn personal hardships into life-giving measures. Through… Learn More

Help nurture this haven of transformation with a gift before August 31