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Upcoming Events

Friends and Sabbath in the Time of Climate Change

Aug 1, 2022
A First Monday Lecture with Cherice Bock

Though keeping the Sabbath is one of the Ten Commandments, Friends historically and today have a variety of perspectives on… Learn More

Land Acknowledgment: A First Step Towards Right Relationship with the Land and its Peoples

Aug 9 and 11, 2022
A two-part webinar presented by tom kunesh

Living on what was another peoples’ homeland through their coerced removal carries with it a generational responsibility to recognize and… Learn More

Liberation Education: A Weekend of Community in Memory of bell hooks

Aug 5-7, 2022
An in-person weekend workshop with Frances Kreimer honoring the blessing of bell hooks’ memory, preparing for the academic year in community with teachers and learners.

Honor the blessing of bell hooks’ memory, preparing for the academic year in community with other teachers and students. bell… Learn More

Illuminating Our Paths to Abolition

Jun 6, 2022
A First Monday Lecture with Lewis Webb, Jr.

Akin to the beacon to true north and freedom, there is a light above and within that illuminates our individual… Learn More

Help nurture this haven of transformation with a gift before August 31