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Upcoming Events

Jesus at Christmas: Story, Stone, Evolution

Nov 18, Dec 2, Dec 9, and Dec 16, 2021
A four-week virtual lecture series with John Dominic Crossan

These lectures will be recorded and shared with participants who register for each session. We hope you will join us… Learn More

Lectio Divina: A Friendly Exploration of Quaker Writings

Sep 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, and Oct 7, 2021
A series of online workshops with Barbara “Shulamith” Clearbridge

Lectio divina, latin for “divine reading,” is a way of slowly reading and contemplating a brief text. The intention is… Learn More

A Quaker Theological Ecosystem

Aug 2, 2021
A First Monday lecture with Christy Randazzo

“This lecture emerges from a challenge I encountered when I first became a Friend and attempted to make sense of… Learn More

Quaker Caregiving In Times of Crisis

Sep 10-12, 2021
An online weekend workshop with Windy Cooler

White supremacy, sexual and domestic violence, substance abuse, class anxieties, mental illness, family disruptions, and other crises are at once… Learn More

Help nurture this haven of transformation with a gift before August 31