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Upcoming Events

Healing the Disconnect

May 3, 2021
An evening with Marcelle Martin

The root of all of our social and planetary problems lies in our disconnection from our true nature, from the… Learn More

Returning to Creative and Spiritual Playfulness

Mar 1, 2021
A First Monday Interactive Program with Jesse White

God calls us to recall and return to the experience of being intrinsically connected to the Light through creative play…. Learn More

Pendle Hill’s Reading Group (March)

Mar 10, 2021
Hosted by Janaki Spickard Keeler

Our newly-formed reading group focuses on a mix of Pendle Hill pamphlets and other Quaker materials, gathering monthly to consider… Learn More

Perfection of the Present Moment

Mar 24-28, 2021
A Five-Day Virtual Mindfulness Meditation Retreat with Mary Grace Orr, Anne Briggs, Larissa Kitenko, and Rebecca Kronlage

How can we be present in all the varied and often difficult experiences of our lives open heartedly and with… Learn More

Help nurture this haven of transformation with a gift before August 31