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Upcoming Events

Pendle Hill’s Reading Group (January)

Jan 13, 2021
Hosted by Janaki Spickard Keeler

Our newly-formed reading group focuses on a mix of Pendle Hill pamphlets and other Quaker materials, gathering monthly to consider… Learn More

A Musical Celebration!

Dec. 30, 2020
Join us for an evening of virtual musical delights on the eve of New Year’s eve. Hosted by Maestro Karl Middleman.

Join us for an evening of virtual musical delights on the eve of New Year’s eve. More than ten exciting… Learn More

Candle Light Meeting for Worship with Care to the New Year

Dec 31, 2020

Take time to reflect, pray, and listen to the messages that Spirit may have for us at the close of… Learn More

Pendle Hill’s Reading Group (December)

Dec 9, 2020
Hosted by Janaki Spickard Keeler

Pendle Hill’s online reading group continues! We are reading a mix of Pendle Hill pamphlets and other Quaker materials, gathering… Learn More

Help nurture this haven of transformation with a gift before August 31