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Upcoming Events

Spirits in Darkness: Black Women’s Virtual Writing Workshop

Oct 19-23, 2020
With K. Melchor Quick Hall, Joanne Daley, and Danie "Ocean" Jackson via Zoom.

The “Spirits in Darkness” Black Women’s Virtual Writing Workshop honors the spirit of Black women writers – past, present, and… Learn More

What Happens Wednesday? Preparing Ourselves for the Work Ahead

Nov 2, 2020
A First Monday Lecture with Eileen Flanagan

Whoever wins the presidential election, whether or not the result is contested, we know there will be much work to… Learn More

Can Quakers and Others Help Prevent an American Slide Into Dictatorship? Hint: Nonviolence Will Be Key!

Oct 5, 2020
A First Monday Lecture with George Lakey

As the November Presidential election nears, thoughtful leaders are worrying about the possibility of a power grab should the vote… Learn More

Pendle Hill’s Reading Group (October)

Oct 14, 2020
Hosted by Janaki Spickard Keeler

We are launching an online reading group! We will read a mix of Pendle Hill pamphlets and other Quaker materials,… Learn More

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