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Upcoming Events

Altered Books in an Altered World

Jul 7 - Aug 25, 2020
A series of online workshops with Jesse White

Please note that registration will close when a session has reached capacity, or at 8:00am the day of the session,… Learn More

Continuing Revolution 2020 Online: Transformative Conflict and Justice

Jun 5-9, 2020
An annual conference for young adults, ages 18-35

Do you find yourself eager to confront wrongdoing or mistakes? Have you ever avoided a conflict and then regretted it?… Learn More

Individual Spiritual Discernment

Aug 3, 5, and 7, 2020
A series of online morning workshops with Jerry Knutson

NB: This program is AT CAPACITY. Please contact Lina Blount at 610-566-4507, ext. 122, for more information. As the ongoing… Learn More

Garden Arts

Jun 20, 2020 - Oct 10, 2020
An Arts & Spirituality program with Jesse White

Please note that registration will close when a session has reached capacity, or at 8:00am the day of the session,… Learn More

Help nurture this haven of transformation with a gift before August 31