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Upcoming Events

Tools for Navigating, Embracing, and Transforming Chaos

Apr 29, 2020 - Aug 5, 2020
Eight online webinars facilitated by Matthew Armstead, Erva Baden, and Lina Blount via Zoom.

Please note that registration will close when a session has reached capacity, or at 8:00am the day of the session,… Learn More

Arts for Spiritual Discovery

Apr 28, 2020 - Jun 16, 2020
Eight online sessions led by Jesse White

Please note that registration will close when a session has reached capacity, or at 8:00am the day of the session,… Learn More

Evangelium: The Good News and the Re-Making of Hope and Love

Apr 23, 2030 - Jun 18, 2020
A nine-session Bible study with Francisco Burgos

Please note that registration will close when a session has reached capacity, or at 8:00am the day of the session,… Learn More

Staying Centered Amidst Uncertainty and Loss

Apr 20, 2020
An online workshop with John Calvi

Many of us are experiencing the greatest amount of uncertainty we have ever encountered in our lifetimes. Many are also… Learn More

Help nurture this haven of transformation with a gift before August 31