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Upcoming Events

The Jesus Way in the World Today

May 4, 2020
An evening with Shane Claiborne

Please note that registration will close when a session has reached capacity, or at 8:00am the day of the session,… Learn More

Love in a Time of Coronavirus

Apr 6, 2020
An evening with John Calvi

Update, 04/06/20: The Zoom event has reached its capacity. The lecture will also be livestreamed on our YouTube channel, Pendle… Learn More

Stephen G. Cary Memorial Lecture 2020: The Road to Pendle Hill

Sep 19, 2020
Thomas D. Hamm, Professor of History, the Trueblood Chair in Christian Thought, and Director of Special Collections at Earlham College, Richmond, Indiana.

Ninety years ago, American Quakers embarked on an almost unprecedented experiment, to open a study center that would meld contemplation… Learn More

Chasing Stillness: Artist’s Talk & Reception

Mar 12, 2020
Pete Prown

Bio: Pete Prown has led a 35-year career in journalism, working in two dissimilar fields – the music business and… Learn More

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