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Upcoming Events

Hand in Hand: Aging Together in the Spirit

Online: Sep 4-18, 2024
A three-part online series with members of BYM’s End of Life Working Group and authors of its new resource, "A Tender Time: Quaker Voices on the End of Life."

This program offers live and interactive engagement with Baltimore Yearly Meeting’s End of Life Working Group’s new resource, A Tender… Learn More

Online Resident Reunion

Online: Sep 28, 2024
Alums are invited to join other Pendle Hill resident students, scholars, Friends in Residence, and staff from years past to celebrate Pendle Hill’s 94th birthday online!

You may also be interested in our “Worship Sojourn Weekend” happening here on campus September 27-29, 2024. Executive director Francisco… Learn More

Stephen G. Cary Memorial Lecture 2024: Light Within and Light Without ~ The Personal and Political in the Formation of a Palestinian-American Quaker Identity

Hybrid: Sep 9, 2024
7:30pm-9:00pm Eastern Time (US & Canada).

Quakerism thrives as a practice that accentuates the individual spiritual experience and the communal life of the monthly meeting. Ongoing… Learn More

Pendle Hill’s Reading Group (November)

Online: Nov 13, 2024
Worship sharing on Bridget Moix’s "Forging Beloved Community with Friends: A Journey Through the Refiner’s Fire" (PHP #488).

Our Reading Group focuses on Pendle Hill pamphlets and other Quaker readings, gathering to consider queries about the reading in… Learn More

Help nurture this haven of transformation with a gift before August 31