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Upcoming Events

The Pendle Hill Quaker Institute: Deepening Our Quaker Practice

May 30 - Jun 2, 2019
Offered in collaboration with Philadelphia Yearly Meeting and New York Yearly Meeting

This Institute is for Quakers concerned about strengthening the spiritual heart of their meetings, inviting others into deeper Quaker practice,… Learn More

How Direct Action Campaigns Serve Personal and Social Liberation

Nov 5, 2018
A First Monday lecture with George Lakey

After the flurry of election excitement people ask, “Now what?” In this lecture, George Lakey makes a case for nonviolent… Learn More

Pendle Hill Chorus: Winter Concert 2018

Dec 19, 2018
Jackie Coren: Musical Director

The Pendle Hill Chorus, now in its 26th season, presents: “Oh, Mystery,” music evocative of the solstice season. We are… Learn More

Open Studio Session: 03/23/19

Mar 23, 2019
Jesse White

Create in Community in our beautiful, light-filled art studio! These are drop-in, self-directed art experiences. A monitor will be present… Learn More

Help nurture this haven of transformation with a gift before August 31