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Stephen G. Cary Memorial Lecture 2019: Tumult, Turmoil and Truth – Vital Quaker Witness Today

Apr 1, 2019

Diane Randall, FCNL Executive Secretary
Free and open to the public (registration requested).

7:30pm-9:00pm in the Barn.

Live streaming will be available to registrants.

Call Us for More Information!

610-566-4507, ext. 137

In a tumultuous world filled with turmoil and abounding in lies and half-truths, the voice of Quakers in the public sphere is needed more than ever. Quakers have gifts for witness, standing for peace, nonviolence, protection of our planet, concern for the oppressed, neglected, and scorned. FCNL Executive Secretary Diane Randall will speak of ways in which Quakers are called upon to witness to Congress in this historic moment. She will focus on the work of the Friends Committee on National Legislation as an effective way for Friends and all those who share Quaker values to actively participate in advocating for peace, justice, and a sustainable planet.


Diane RandallDiane Randall came to the Friends Committee on National Legislation ( in March 2011 as the fourth Executive Secretary. She leads FCNL’s staff to effectively educate and lobby for policies and legislative priorities set by FCNL’s General Committee. Before coming to FCNL, Diane was Executive Director of Partnership for Strong Communities, a Connecticut-based non-profit organization providing leadership, advocacy, and policy development on solutions to homelessness, affordable housing, and community development.

A convinced Friend and member of Hartford Monthly Meeting (CT), Diane currently worships with Langley Hill Friends in Baltimore Yearly Meeting. She believes that pursuing truth and seeing “that of God in every person we meet” are disciplines shaping FCNL’s patient and persistent approach to lobbying for legislation that can help create a more peaceful and just world. Follow Diane on Twitter at @DianeFCNL.

The Stephen G. Cary Memorial Lecture was endowed by Norval and Ann Reece and established in 2004 in concert with Pendle Hill’s publication of Steve Cary’s memoir, The Intrepid Quaker: One Man’s Quest for Peace.

Travel directions to Pendle Hill. Click to view the flyer.