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Feeling Light Within, I Walk: Tales, Adventures, and Reflections of a Quaker Activist

By Peg Morton

Paperback: 351 pages
Publisher: Cedar Row Press (January 1, 2013)
Product Dimensions: 9 x 8 x 0.8 inches
Shipping Weight: 12.6 ounces
Condition: Like new

Price: $12.99


A memoir following the life of Peg Morton, a lifelong Quaker peace and justice activist, from her privileged New England childhood to her work in the civil rights, war tax resistance, and Latin American solidarity movements. Peg is the author of Pendle Hill pamphlet #333, Walk With Me: Nonviolent Accompaniment in Guatemala.

In our world filled with violence, suffering and discrimination, many are seeking hope and looking for people who give us hope. This is where Peg Morton comes in. She is a true peacemaker, a committed activist who gives us hope. Her story, as told in Feeling Light Within, I Walk, is very personal, powerful and touches the heart. One cannot read the journey of this wonderful peacemaker and not be touched deeply. I highly recommend this book.” —Roy Bourgeois, M.M., founder, SOA Watch

Peg Morton is an amazing woman, a deeply thoughtful example of someone who acts upon her beliefs. Quaker, social activist, mother, late-in-life lesbian, and fearless protestor against wrong, she is an example for those of us who want to match our actions to our consciousness but don’t always succeed. Most activists never get around to writing about their lives; they are too busy living them. I am grateful that Peg has taken time from her unending and far-reaching involvement to give us this wonderful book.” —Margaret Randall, author of Sandino’s Daughters and As if the Empty Chair: Poems for the Disappeared