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Growing Up Plain: The Journey of a Public Friend

By Wilmer A. Cooper, foreword by William and Frances Taber

Paperback: 200 pages
Publisher: Friends United Press/Pendle Hill Pubns. (July 1999)
Product Dimensions: 8.5 x 5.2 x 0.5 inches
Shipping Weight: 12 ounces
Condition: New

Price: $16.50


Wil Cooper – Quaker theologian, teacher, and author – sets forth the theology and faith of the “plain people” of Quakerdom. His personal story brings that theology to life in an intimate way and gives us a glimpse of day-to-day life of Middleton, Ohio Conservative Friends in the early 1900s. You will delight in this story of a Quaker culture that has wisdom to offer Friends today and its impact on the life of Wilmer Cooper, founding dean of the Earlham School of Religion and author of A Living Faith: An Historical and Comparative Study of Quaker Beliefs.

Growing Up Plain is published by FUP in cooperation with Pendle Hill Publications.