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The Living Witness of John Woolman

By Phillips P. Moulton

Pendle Hill Pamphlet #187 (1973)

Price: $7.50


The editor of Woolman’s journal and essays examines the significance of this influential Quaker for modern man.

About the Author(s)

Phillips Moulton (1909-2002) spent part of his career providing guidance and coordinating resourses for various universities and groups such as the Federal Council of Churches. At the same time he continued religious and philosophical research at universities including Marburg, Princeton and Yale.

Phillips Moulton’s scholarly work on John Woolman exemplified the application of intellectual endeavors to the service of religion. He studied at several universities in the U.S. and abroad, and was named University Scholar at Yale when he received his doctorate in philosophical theology (1949). He served as director of university work for the Federal Council of Churches and as coordinator of religious activities at the University of Chicago. He also taught at Union Theological Seminary, Simpson College, The University of North Dakota, Adrian College, The University of Michigan and Boston University. He also served as president of Wesley College.

The Living Witness of John Woolman is one result of an abiding interest in Woolman, which culminated in editing The Journal and Major Essays of John Woolman, originally published by Oxford University Press and currently available from Friends United Press. The necessary research was aided by grants from Haverford College, the American Philosophical Society, and Adrian College. Moulton examined Quaker materials in the Haverford and Swarthmore College Libraries, as well as those in other repositories in the United States and England. A semester as Visiting Scholar at Union Theological Seminary enabled him to study background material and produce the pamphlet. Moulton presented portions of this research in courses at Powell House, Haverford Meeting, and New York Theological Seminary.

Phillips Moulton carried membership in the Wider Quaker Fellowship for many years before becoming a member of Ann Arbor Monthly Meeting in Michigan. After retirement, he engaged in peace work for many years, writing on behalf of Friends peace efforts. He moved to the Friends House in Sandy Spring, Maryland in 1995, and lived there until his death in 2002.

Pendle Hill Pamphlet #187

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Weight 2.3 oz