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Healing the Disconnect

May 3, 2021

An evening with Marcelle Martin
7:30pm - 9pm Eastern Time (US & Canada) via Zoom.

Free to the public! Registration required.

This program is made possible in part by funding support from the Friends Foundation for the Aging.

Call Us for More Information!

610-566-4507, ext. 137

The root of all of our social and planetary problems lies in our disconnection from our true nature, from the Earth, and from our divine source. Long ago Quakers discovered powerfully transforming ways to reconnect. A direct orientation to God, along with traditional Quaker practices, sincerely undertaken, can open us to the reality of our unity with everyone and everything, and to divine healing. Entering into gathered worship, collective discernment, and support to follow leadings are such practices among Friends.

There are also emerging understandings, along with newer interpersonal and group practices, that can help us operate more from the heart and become more sensitive to the divine Presence that wants to guide us toward reconnection and healing on every level, both personal and collective. Each one of us has amazing capacities to help others become more whole and to help move society toward a hopeful future. We all have a contribution to make to the healing that is so needed now.

Healing the Disconnect

In this talk, using stories and short experiential practices, Marcelle Martin will share from her experiences about how we can help each other heal the disconnect that lies at the root of all our challenges.


Marcelle Martin, author of Our Life is Love: The Quaker Spiritual Journey, and A Guide to Faithfulness Groups, has led workshops at retreat centers and Quaker meetings across the United States. She was the resident Quaker Studies teacher at Pendle Hill for four years and a core teacher for the 9-month program, “Nurturing Faithfulness.” A Culture of Faithfulness (PHP #462) is her third Pendle Hill pamphlet. On her blog, A Whole Heart (, she shares inspiration to help us be all God has created us to be. A member of Swarthmore Friends Meeting, she lives in Chester, PA with her husband, Terry.

Travel directions to Pendle Hill.

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