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Individual Spiritual Discernment

Aug 3, 5, and 7, 2020

A series of online morning workshops with Jerry Knutson
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings

Morning sessions gather around 9:45am via Zoom.
10am-10:30am worship
10:30am-11:30am program
All times are Eastern Time (US & Canada).

Basic - $55
Plus - $70

Jerry's related pamphlet (PHP #443) is required reading - if you do not already have a copy, there is an option to order it when you register ($10.50 with shipping).

If you are seeking financial assistance to participate in this program, please click on the link below for our Financial Assistance Application form. Do NOT register online.

Call Us for More Information!

610-566-4507, ext. 137

NB: This program is AT CAPACITY. Please contact Lina Blount at 610-566-4507, ext. 122, for more information.

Pendle Hill pamphlet #443As the ongoing tumult in the world about us continues to stir uncertainty and confusion, our need to remain in intimate touch with our Inner Guide to discern our way is ever more apparent. This series of online morning workshops is based on Jerry Knutson’s best-selling Pendle Hill Pamphlet #443, Individual Spiritual Discernment: Receiving, Testing, and Implementing Leadings from a Higher Power, which is required advance reading for participants. Participants are asked to bring a question, issue, or situation on which they wish to seek clarity from Spirit. In this experiential workshop, we will worship together and then practice methods of discernment, discuss how we test and implement our leadings, and engage in worship sharing in small groups on spiritual disciplines.


Jerry Knutson is a snow bird and has dual memberships in Quakers of Orlando, SEYM and Morgantown WV, BYM. He started meditating in 1971 and began worshiping with Quakers in the mid-’80s. He was a residential student at Pendle Hill for four terms in 2002 and 2003 and a Released Friend from Pittsburgh Monthly meeting from 2005 to 2014. Jerry has facilitated workshops in 22 U.S.  states, Bethlehem, Palestine, and Nakuru in Kenya. Orlando Monthly Meeting continues to take under its care Jerry Knutson’s ministry in spirituality, discernment, Quakerism, and Bible Study Techniques. He received a Master of Divinity Degree from Earlham School of Religion in May of 2014 with an emphasis on Christian Spirituality and wrote Pendle Hill Pamphlet #443, Individual Spiritual Discernment: Receiving, Testing and Implementing Guidance from a Higher Power. In May 2018, Jerry completed a Certificate in Spiritual Formation from Pittsburgh Theological Seminary. He is a member of FWCC Traveling Ministry Corp. Click to read a traveling minute from Orlando (FL) Monthly Meeting.

Ann JeromeAnn Jerome is a member of Orlando Meeting in Southeastern Yearly Meeting and a founding member of Deland (Florida) Worship Group. A seasoned Friend for more than thirty years, she served as Friend in Residence at Pendle Hill in 2016 and 2017. She will be serving this program as an elder.

Financial aid may be available. If you are seeking funds to participate in this program, click to review and complete our Financial Assistance Application and a Pendle Hill staff member will follow-up with you shortly (please do NOT register online). Thank you for your interest.

Travel directions to Pendle Hill.