Refreshments at 7:15pm.
Program from 7:30pm-8:30pm.
Jun 28, 2019
“Will you marry me?” What does that even mean? Minnie Jane Artist-in-Residence Anna Carolyn McCormally has been at work on a creative narrative about weddings, rooted in her own experience marrying her partner under the care of her Quaker Meeting. Join her for a reading from her work and a conversation about how the discernment and clearness process can open up space to explore what weddings and marriage can be and mean.
Weddings are an intersection of the spiritual, the social, the legal, and the romantic, and marriage can be about all those things and more. Anna’s project explores different facets of marriage, including how gender, sexuality, and relationship roles influence what getting married means for individuals and their partnerships, and queries for planning a wedding rooted in the values to which a couple wants to be faithful in their marriage.
Anna Carolyn McCormally, a reader and writer from Washington, DC, sees writing and reading as spiritual processes essential for nurturing compassion and empathy. Her fiction on the themes of identity, relationships, and sexuality has been published in the literary journals Apt, The Lost Country, and ROAR Magazine, among others.
Anna has worked as a creative writing teacher, a bookseller, and as assistant to the executive secretary of the Friends Committee on National Legislation. Anna has an MFA in Fiction Writing from the University of Maryland, College Park and a BA from Earlham College. She is a member of Herndon Friends Meeting (VA).
Her website is You can follow her on Twitter @mccormallie.
Travel directions to Pendle Hill. Click to view the flyer.