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Upcoming Events

Weaving the Tapestry

Feb 24, 2018
A panel discussion sponsored by Friends World Committee for Consultation, Section of the Americas and Pendle Hill.

How can local Quaker meetings and churches support the Friends called to ministry among them? How can the Religious Society… Learn More

Hidden in Plain Sight: The Lenape Indian Tribe of Delaware

Feb 5, 2018
A talk by Chief Dennis J. Coker

The Lenape, the original inhabitants of this region, were among the first Natives to come into contact with European settlers… Learn More

Stephen G. Cary Memorial Lecture 2018: Holding Tension – Making a Place at the Table for Continuing Revelation

Apr 2, 2018
Sarah Willie-LeBreton

In this talk, I assume that genuine social relationship is necessary for justice, and I argue that its absence leads… Learn More

Truth and Healing: Quakers Seeking Right Relationship with Indigenous Peoples

May 3-6, 2018

NB: This conference is AT CAPACITY. Please contact John Meyer at 610-566-4507, ext. 129, for more information. Financial aid may… Learn More

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