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Upcoming Events

Pendle Hill Quaker Institute: Beloved Community as Prophetic Witness

Apr 28 - May 1, 2023
An on-campus conference for the gathering of Friends to learn about and practice the art of building beloved community as an act of prophetic witness.

Online Form – Quaker Institute Photos Download the Schedule and Conference Guide Join us in rebuilding our Beloved Community, grounded… Learn More

Café Darkness: An In-Person Writing Workshop for People of Color

Apr 16-20, 2023
An in-person writing workshop for people of color with Joanne Daley, Danie Ocean Jackson, and K. Melchor Quick Hall

We are a community of writers of different genres and ages, committed to expanding the supportive space for people of… Learn More

New Year’s Eve Livestreamed Concert

Dec 31, 2022
An online year’s-end musical celebration!

New Year’s Eve promises a rare treat: the duo-piano team of Hugh Sung and Madalina Danila performing a musical world… Learn More

Candlelight Meeting for Worship with Care for the New Year

Dec 31, 2022

Join Pendle Hill staff and community members online for our traditional candlelight meeting for worship with care for welcoming in… Learn More

Help nurture this haven of transformation with a gift before August 31