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Upcoming Events

Visual Journaling Online

Oct 4 - Nov 1, 2022
An online arts and spirituality series with Jesse White

Do you love journaling and want to integrate visual art with your words? We will invite Spirit’s guidance as we… Learn More

Speaking with Spirit

Jan 3-31, 2023
An Online Poetry Immersive with Jesse White

Connect with Spirit through reading and writing poetry. As we move through themes connected to our relationships with Divinity in… Learn More

New Year’s: Open Heart, Peaceful Mind

Dec 28, 2022 - Jan 1, 2023
A Retreat for Rest and Reflection with Valerie Brown

For more than 15 years, hundreds of people have welcomed the New Year at Pendle Hill with the gift of… Learn More

Quaker Call to Action ~ National Zoom Call

Aug 18, 2022
An online national dialogue on the urgent threats to our democracy and what’s at stake.

Join Pendle Hill and F/friends in this conversation, one of several opportunities to connect to the work of the Quaker… Learn More

Help nurture this haven of transformation with a gift before August 31