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Upcoming Events

Pendle Hill’s Reading Group (November)

Nov 10, 2021
Guest Host: Brian Wilcox

Pendle Hill’s Reading Group focuses on a mix of Pendle Hill pamphlets and other Quaker materials, gathering monthly to consider… Learn More

Café Darkness In-Person Writing Workshop for People of Color

Apr 18-22, 2022
With K. Melchor Quick Hall, Joanne Daley, and Danie “Ocean” Jackson

Pendle Hill is committed to maintaining a safe environment in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. As part of that… Learn More

New Year’s: Open Heart, Peaceful Mind ~ ONLINE

Dec 28-30, 2021
A Virtual Retreat for Rest and Reflection with Valerie Brown

Open to the new year’s unfolding with a retreat that honors your heart, mind, and soul. This retreat includes mindfulness… Learn More

Café Darkness Virtual Writing Workshop for People of Color

Oct 18-22, 2021
With Joanne Daley and Danie “Ocean” Jackson via Zoom

Café Darkness a virtual writing space for people of color, of all genres, ages, and levels of experience. At the… Learn More

Help nurture this haven of transformation with a gift before August 31